Ashingdon & East Hawkwell Memorial Hall

Ashingdon & East Hawkwell Memorial Hall


Mother's Day Craft Fair Information and Online Application Form

Payment information. 

If you would like a table please forward the correct amount for the tables required to Sort Code : 20-79-73, Account no : 40124400 with your allocated reference number. This will be given to you on your initial application . The account name is Ashingdon and East Hawkwell Village Hall. We will send a confirmation of your booking to you with your receipt to your email address

Helen will send you a receipt once your payment has cleared our bank.

Christmas Fair 2024

Thank you for your interest in our  Christmas Craft Fair on 24th November 2024 at Ashingdon and East Hawkwell Memorial Hall.  We are offering you a table in our main hall with two chairs and a free cup of tea.  You will also be invited to introduce yourself on this page on our website. Please fill in your information in the application form below  

The doors open for you to setup at 9am.

7/9/24 - 10:30 • All tables are sold! 

Apply for your stall here. 
How many tables required?

Once I have received this application I will forward you a reference number. This will be used for your payment reference, receipt and table allocation on the day. 

The payment details are below  

Best regards

Helen England - Bookings Manager

Apply online

Apply online

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